Sunday, May 5, 2024

Week 17 of Nikki's Stocking

I made some good progress this week. 
I am jumping around a bit. I wanted to get that church started. 
And believe me, when I say, I will be glad when it is finished. 
Working with almost the same shade of floss as 
the background is hard. 
Once the church is finished I will start on the bottom hill!

I worked on a few of the plants in the cornucopia.

 A close-up of the church. 

Be Happy!

April's Scrapbooking Pages

I waited until the very end of the month to do my scrapbooking 
pages for April because of my eye surgery.
Not because of my vision but because I can't bend over and since things fall on the floor or I have extra paper storage on the floor I didn't want to do it too early. 
As it was I dropped letter dies on the floor. Luckily my magnetic wand picked them up. My poor knees bark at me whenever I squat to pick something up. The picking-up tool helps with picking up some things but not for notebooks and pictures.  One is too heavy and the other is too flat and light. 
I did five pages one page short of my monthly goal, 
but since I am three pages ahead from other months 
I am still on track for my annual goal. 

All these pictures are from 2019, this is Samantha doing chalk drawing with two of our neighbor boys. 
Ages are almost 4 and 1.5 years old.
Samantha was 14.

Playing in the dark, we lost electricity twice in 2019. 

Here we are out to dinner at Native our favorite wing place. 
We were celebrating 7 years as a family. 

Left side page.

Right side page.

During fall break I took the girls to the Go Cart place.

Goal Chart

The poor lamb doesn't have a body.

I see the eye doctor on May 10th, I hope I can start bending over again. It is amazing how many times a day I stop myself from bending over. 

Be Happy

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Week 16 of Nikki's Stocking

I finally finished my nest of threads! This is so much better. 

I started the cornucopia on the left side. 
It seems like I just posted but progress is progress, 
but it was a few days ago. 
The picture was taken on April 25th.

Be Happy!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Week 15 of Nikki's Stocking

It is more like week 15.5. 
I saw the surgeon on April 16th. And he said my eye was doing well and he was really impressed with my vison of 20/60. 
Of course I had two big questions could I drive and could I stitch. He said yes to both if it felt comfortable. I didn't stitch that day a Tuesday because my eye pain and irritation was the worst it had been. He increased my prednisone drops from 4 times a day to 6 times and that did make an improvement. 
On Wednesday I did a little stitching and on Thursday 
I did a little more, but not a lot. 
What I did start to work on was my nest of threads. It never use to bother me to have a nest of threads and just pull out the color I wanted and match against the bobbin of floss I had. But this year with all those different greens and so many of them close in value, it is really bugging me. So I decided to use some little bags I have and label them with the color. That way I look for the correct baggy to find any loose threads I might have that I can use.

Here are my rings, one with baggies and the other with the bobbins.
And a much smaller thread nest.

And here is the progress I made over the weekend. I still have a ton of leaves to do above the cornucopia. But I am tired of leaves. 

Be Happy!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Week 14 Nikki's Stocking Progress.

So, last Sunday I was stitching and I noticed that the stitching I had done on Saturday had an error in it.  
I couldn't figure out a way to fix it, so you know what that means. Time to do the frog stitch, rip it, rip it. 

I made my mistake by coming down the right side instead of coming down the center. So, when I went to do the left side it didn't line up.

Here is that blue area all fixed.

I didn't do any stitching after Tuesday since that was surgery day. 
I was told the surgery went well and and the after appointment the doctor said everything looks good. It doesn't feel good and it looks horrible all red and I have a black eye. My vision isn't very clear in that eye but they told me it would take a couple of months to heal completely. This surgery was more complicated than a normal lens implant. The new lens was stitched to the inside of the cornea. 
Sounds delightful doesn't. 

Me on the day of surgery. Now to pretend I'm a patient person.

Be Happy!

The Page Was Just Missing Something.

About two nights after I finished this page I was thinking about while preparing to go to sleep. And I realized it was just missing something. It looks plain and unbalanced. 

So I placed around with some ideas.

I added some more paper to the center of the oval and some decorations on the edges of the oval. Plus a funky border piece to tie the two side elements together, Better but still not right.

So, I added a third element to the right side and it is better,

The pictures seemed a little lost so I added a white border around the pictures. Just goes to show you sometimes you have to add more things to a page to make it feel right or complete. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

March Scrapbook Pages

Third month in a row I finished my goal of six pages. 
That is one quarter of this year! Now to keep it up.

Two page Christmas layout, Before and After.

This is Christmas Before, all neat and pretty!

And Christmas After, especially the bottom picture. a mess!

Another two page layout, from Christmas day 2019. 
with all the guest having a good time.

Happy Guest

Guest on the other side of the room.

Also Christmas day, a single layout, the girls trying on their bridesmaids dresses for their oldest sister, 
who was married the following February.
And Savanna and I looking good. 

Last page of the month, Savanna acting goofy.
She doesn't usually act goofy so it is fun to have the memory and I am glad my camera, (phone) was handy to catch the moment.

Be happy!

Week 13 Nikki's Stocking Update

Another week and I made more progress. 
I had to roll it up again, The heads of the wise men are lost in the plastic cover. Those top covers are hard to take off and the bottom ones fall off easily. There is one I can hardly keep on. 

I just had to go check last's weeks picture 
to see how much progress I made. 
I did good this week.

Tonight is Monday April 8, tomorrow I will have my eye surgery to replace my dislocated implanted lens. Praying for better vision.

Be happy!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Wek 12 Progress Report

I am late posting again but I still have a picture of my progress. 
Which I took a day late. 
I have been having issues with my eye making it uncomfortable to stitch. But I still do a little each day.
 I will have surgery on April 9th to implant a new lens. 
One week to go. I am so looking forward to better vision. 
Plus the new magnifying glass I purchased isn't working out real well. It is too heavy to stay where I want it to stay. 
And my old one keeps falling off the arm. the glue broke and the tape isn't strong enough.

Can you see what I have finished? 

Happy Stitching!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Week 11 update on Nikki's Stocking

I was feeling better this week plus I had a whole day with no appointments or errands to run, so I spent most of the day stitching.

Look I have stems going down!
And some flowers filled in.

Here are the golds I am using on those flowers. 

And yes, I had to roll my fabric up again. 
I bet I will have to roll up again by the end of the week.

Be happy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Week 10 Nikki's Stocking Update

I am almost a week late posting this!
I did make progress last week but not a lot. I was sick and my eyes became fatigued very quickly. Working with one eye with the lens out of place is hard and somedays it is harder than others. 

Plus last night when I wanted to write something on my blog I couldn't get into it. If would flash up and blink out. So, I posted in a blogger help community and received the answer. Some old widget on the side no longer worked and some not so nice person put some malware on it. I was helped by a several people on the community help page and was able to remove the old bad widgets and 
I am Back Baby!

As a side note I had an appointment with the Retinal Specialist and I will have surgery for a new lens to be implanted on April 9th! 
I am ready!!

So here is the progress!

Starting to work on the lower designs. Doing the outlines 
of some of the flowers.

See that one lone leaf on the right. Would you believe there are four different shades of green in it? There are!
See if you can find them.

Close up of  the leaf.

The four greens.
Don't worry I have more floss for those that are low.

Here is a close up of the graft and the 
four different keys for each color. 

Bye for now I am going to go do some more stitching.

Be happy!