I waited until the very end of the month to do my scrapbooking
pages for April because of my eye surgery.
Not because of my vision but because I can't bend over and since things fall on the floor or I have extra paper storage on the floor I didn't want to do it too early.
As it was I dropped letter dies on the floor. Luckily my magnetic wand picked them up. My poor knees bark at me whenever I squat to pick something up. The picking-up tool helps with picking up some things but not for notebooks and pictures. One is too heavy and the other is too flat and light.
I did five pages one page short of my monthly goal,
but since I am three pages ahead from other months
I am still on track for my annual goal.
All these pictures are from 2019, this is Samantha doing chalk drawing with two of our neighbor boys.
Ages are almost 4 and 1.5 years old.
Samantha was 14.
Playing in the dark, we lost electricity twice in 2019.
Here we are out to dinner at Native our favorite wing place.
We were celebrating 7 years as a family.
Left side page.
Right side page.
During fall break I took the girls to the Go Cart place.
The poor lamb doesn't have a body.
I see the eye doctor on May 10th, I hope I can start bending over again. It is amazing how many times a day I stop myself from bending over.
Be Happy