Saturday, January 27, 2024

Week 3 Nikki's Stocking

Well, I am making progress, 
even if I did ended up doing some ripping!
Luckily it wasn't a lot.
I also have to be careful of what I am watching. 
I found when I am watching Downton Abby, for the 2nd time, 
I stop stitching and just watch. 
That doesn't help with the progress. 

This is where I ended last night Friday the 26th. 
I made it all the way to the left side and 
I was one stitch too close to the flower pot. 
I had to unstitch all the way to the left hand side of the 
bottom of the first hill on the right. 
It get's tricky when you have to skip stitches. 
I moved to working on this section because
 I was tired of working on the top part. 

January 26, 2024

Tonight I was able to find my mistake, undo and redo. 
And it is such a wonderful feeling when the two ends meet in the middle, perfectly. Plus I had just enough thread on my needle to do the last stitch. 

January 27, 2024 All fixed

I guess I did get a lot done this week. I have been reporting my progress on Thursday nights but tonight is Saturday. And I didn't stich everyday. 

Nikki and Klint came over last Sunday for a visit and they were impress with the process of doing counted cross-stitch. 
And the progress. 

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