And all I can say is whew!!!
It was a doozy!
I took five different times, sitting at the sewing machine and sewing to get it done. But it is done!
Done is better than perfect.
I traced part of the pattern, so I could paper piece parts of it.
I made the top center square a little bigger, so the number 2000 would show completely. It was the only part of the Millennium fabric that was really going to show.
The four triangles I have left are all going to be complicated also. Plus one more corner, it has two applique stars on it.
Unfortunately I have to put her away for awhile. My next project due for the Get RR Done group is My Design and Sew Quilt. I would like to have the top done by the next meeting. I really should have the quilt done for the next quarter of the teaching calendar at the shop, which starts in December because I plan to teach that class again, called EQ Design and Sew. I teach the students how to design the blocks in EQ, and then they make the blocks. Students like seeing the end results.
Yesterday I remade my paper piecing Halloween patterns. I made the little wall hanging ages ago. I think the patterns were from Nancy Granny Paper Piecing Patterns. Of course they don't make them any more, and all my paper piecing programs don't have the blocks I have in my Halloween sampler. So I drafted them again in EQ7, so I have the patterns for class on Monday.
Halloween Sampler |
I haven't taught paper piecing in a good ten years, if not longer. The teacher who was teaching at the shop, needs a break. Actually she was one of my students ages ago, way back when I first taught paper piecing.
Today I found my old handouts, and boy did I have to update them! Some of the information is still relevant, and some wasn't.
Since I didn't really want to type the whole thing over. I set up my Dragon Naturally Speaking program on my computer. It worked like a charm.
I was going to use it for this post but it won't work in Blogger. So I went to word and now it is telling me, my operating system is set up to run this program.
Seriously!! I just finished a 3 page hand out and hour ago.
Mr. B. upgraded me to Windows 10 and now I can't find the screen capture icon that I used a lot with Windows 8. So I can't take a screen shot of that message to show you.
I just found my Snipping tool. So here is that error message I received. I still can't get Dragon to work. Grrrr
Plus I just realized I didn't load Snag-it with all my other software. And I don't have time to go get the external DVD machine.
He loaded 10 on three other computers, no problems. Mine it failed five time if not more. So he ended up setting my computer back to factory settings and I lost all my software. Luckily he backed up all my files, so those weren't lost.
Sometimes as much as I love computers I hate them also.
Well I better go, it is time to get the girls from school.
Happy Stitching!!