The quilt show is over and my quilts are safely home and back hanging on the walls. Let me tell you I think they look so much better on white walls than black curtains.
This quilt I found right away, this was taken on Saturday |
The Quilt sign for Mystical Horses |
It is so hard to describe your quilt in 50 words or less, especially one you designed.
I need to tell you a little story, it is kind of funny now but I didn't think it was while it was happening. After work on Thursday I ran quickly over to the show to see my quilts. I found the first one right away both in the program and one the properly labeled isle with the same number. It look marvelous, I was happy. I visited with some friend and then I started to look for the the second quilt. I couldn't find it in the program. I walked around and thought since it is for display only it must be in the other room, so I went to the other room. No it wasn't down the halls or in the other room. So back around the main room again. Still can't find it. I couldn't find any of the 5000 number quilts not in the program or on any signs.
I heard some of the volunteers speaking that some of the program wasn't printed and some pages were missing so that explains why I couldn't find it in the program. So I asked them where were the display quilts hanging and they said they were squeezed on many of the different categories rows. So back around again both rooms. Still didn't find it.
I finally asked for the organizer to help me find, she thought it was in the back of the room and we walked there together, she remembered the name and seeing it. Over 400 quilts and she remembers mine. I am good with that.
Blue Moon at the Show |
Sure enough she takes me to it, I look at it and I was thinking that's not my quilt the colors don't look right. Luckily I didn't say the words because it was my quilt. It just looked so different against black. Goes to prove that the color behind the quilt effects the over all look of the quilt. Needless to say I was relieved and I was able to roam around and enjoy the other quilts and the vendors. The show is very nice on Thursday night not a ton of people like there are on Friday & Saturday.
Sign for Blue Moon |
I have included the judge's comments. I really dislike that I am also classified as a professional quilter, I think I should be classified as a quilts for others to support my quilting habit, not to make money. I don't feel I am in the same class the as the big show stoppers type professional, if you know what I mean. Somehow I don't think I am going to win that debate.
I do not have a stitch regulator on my machine.
Last but next the least here is the quilt show label I can add to my quilt.
Quilt Show label. |
AQG gave us these nice bags to bring our quilt home in. |
Will I do it again, I don't know, it is fun, it is work, your friends enjoy your quilt make it a lot of fun. It is fun to see quilts made by your friends. Today I think, I'll do it again when I finish my Dear Jane.