First I have a funny story for you. I made my Christmas valences and curtains in 2006 because we had a floor in the house and the floors were not done until the week before Christmas, so to help dress up the house I made valance and curtains. Yesterday while ironing the one for the living room I noticed something. I'm sure the picture will help you see what I finally noticed on the 4th Christmas I have used them. The other three sets are fine. Luckily this one hangs over the Christmas tree and no one will notice. Heck it took me four years to notice and I made them. I guess I focused on making sure all three panel went the same direction, that I didn't notice which end I put the top rod pocket.

I don't know about you but sometimes I get a little ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder. Or is it RQS Restless Quilt Syndrome. It's not like I don't have enough things to work on that I need to work on now. Like Krystal's Horse for Christmas, the Give Away wall hanging, my DJ Christmas Quilt. But last night I had the urge to do some mindless work. I did the prep work for two parts of my Washington Medallion Quilt. I just did the sewing on the triangle on a roll paper. I didn't feel like cutting them or making the blocks but just sewing on the lines. So I did both parts. At least now I don't feel so far behind.

My Dear Jane Christmas Quilt has four side borders to quilt. I finished quilting from top to bottom and had turned the quilt to do the side borders. I finished the side triangles and started one of the borders and my machine started to make a lot of noise. That was Friday night. I thought well it's time to quit for today and I'll clean it, re-thread it, oil it and try again in the morning. No improvement in the noise. So I took the quilt off the frame, the one pole off and the machine off and took it to the machine hospital. I hope to have it back by the end of the week. I was so ready to be done with the quilting on that thing. Here it is just before I turned it.
I also made 3 nine inch blocks as a surprise for a friend, its a group surprise. I can't say anymore. I don't want to spill the beans.

Here is the picture you are waiting for, the center of the Anniversary Give-away quilt. It isn't finished yet, but close. I just need to cut some triangles and join those top two rows together. I'm liking how it looks I hope you do also. Be sure to see the post from Nov 26th to see how this could be yours.
Night for now, take care.