Kierra sent us her wedding invitation today. She was going to send them in the mail but she didn't like how they looked printed. So she sent them electronically. This is the front.

Here is what is written on it, encase you can't read the scary print.
You are invited to the Union of Souls between:
William D. Salsbery
Kierra Bowden
Vampire Wedding Attire required
October 31st, 2009
11:00 PM
Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel
Main Chapel
1205 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Here is the back, to bad the picture is a little out of focus and the red coloring makes it hard to seem them, the important people. She is really prettier then this photo shows.

If you are unable to attend, you can watch the wedding live online at exactly 11pm on Sat Oct 31!
You will need Real Player to view the Wedding
Go to:
click on: Themed Weddings on the Left side
click on: Live web cam on the top of the page
Click on: Main chapel
It will download the live wedding cam.
I'm hoping to get a copy of the video to show my friends at work.
My friend who is making my dress is making good progress on it, so I'll be all decked out for the special occasion. My husband even found me a wig to wear, with long black hair with red streaks. It's like Kierra's hair cut only longer. My husband things it will be really funny for me to wear it. I hope Kierra will like it, but I never know with her. My husband also has his vampire outfit ready. We are just going to have pale faces and I'm not doing the black around the eyes either.
Is this the wedding I want for our daughter? No it isn't but I'm glad she will be married and she seems happy. I'm just trying to show my love and support.