Just for those who are curious if we were able to get all of our things into Jan's car, here is the proof in the picture. One car, two quilters and their stuff, room for nothing else, "priceless".

We had a great time! I didn't take many pictures and none of Jan or I. The few I did take didn't turn out well. We did lots of sewing, lots of eating and some talking. The four of us at our table were the quietest in the group. But when we did talk we had something good to share.
I was able to share some of my talents with others, that always feels good. I gave Linda a private mini lesson in EQ6 and had Ann, Sandi and Judy look on. It was fun to watch Linda's eyes light up as she saw the possibilities of the program.

Here is what I worked on while at camp. The black and gray is for Kierra's front room window. The red one is for her bathroom window, it needs a dark gray binding. Both are quilted in a crosshatch pattern. The Angel is my December mini quilt, the last one in a series of twelve. Needs the borders to be quilted and a binding. The horse is for Krystal as a Christmas gift (no fears the kids don't read my blog.), the 2 blocks under the horse are part of the borders. It needs a bunch more blocks for the borders. Some will be pieced and some will have applique and some will be plain. I remade one DJ blocks for my DJ Halloween swap, that's the slime green & purple blocks. Also I made a ton of half square triangles and made 12 pin wheels and 3 other blocks for the Washington Medallion Quilt. I got a lot done!! I'm happy!
I know you can't tell it but behind these quilts is a brand new design wall. My husband put some insulation on the wall I use all the time. I was tired of pushing pins into the wall, now I have nice easy insulation to stick those pins into. Tomorrow I'll cover it with flannel. He did a great job!! Thanks Honey!!!

Here is the last picture of my DJ Halloween Swap as of 9.9.09. I'm planing to do blue and orange half square blocks around the 4 blocks on the bottom left. I moved two blocks to the back, they just don't fit the colors I'm using. I'm happy with the bottom right corner, now just to cut and sew all the new parts. I'm seeing less white all the time.
Well the laundry is almost done, I need to finish unpacking my sewing stuff. So take care all!!
P.S. My little gift bag was liked by all, especially the lucky winner.