Well I have had a busy week. Don't I say that almost every week? I made it to the gym 5 mornings this past week. That is very good for me. It sure is hard to go to bed earlier to compensate for my getting up earlier. Of course tonight I'm ready to go to bed now, but it is only 8:30 PM. Also by the time I clean my teeth and face, I'm all awake again, boy I hate that.
Anyway on to the quilting update. I did some quilting on the T-shirt quilt, but lost some motivation when I hit a spot where the piecing didn't lay flat. So I decided to take a break and haven't gone back to it yet. Maybe tomorrow.
I added a floating border and the flying geese border to my Washington Medallion Quilt. My floating border is very narrow, some where alone the line something is too big, but I really like how it looks with that very narrow border. So since it's my quilt, I'm happy. I decided to get those borders on so I could have the long design wall at the end of the hall. I'm seriously thinking of having my husband put some insulation up for me and covering it with flannel. That way I can stick pins in to help hold up fabric.

I needed the space to play with my Dear Jane Boo Swap quilt. Since this is a design as I go project I needed more space to play. I have things in the basic layout I want, I just have to fill in all the blank spaces. The one blocks off by it self on the left is probably going to the back. All the blocks are suppose to be Halloween colors. It looks like black and red to me and I don't think it looks like Halloween.
I might have to change the background fabric in the upper right hand corner to slim green. The three Orange & Black blocks need to be reworked, they just don't lined up right. I wanted the one in the middle to be on point to the other two. I had to draw that out on paper to see how I needed to set the center block.
So far my favorite feature is the zipper, I added the black strips just to set it off a little from the other areas. Most of it isn't sewed down permanently, so it is all subject to change but so far so good! It's any one's guess how it will look next week. Be sure to check in and see what transpires.