
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mystical Horses and Snowman

Waiting to go on the frame
One of my goals for the weekend was to have my Mystical horse quilt on the frame.  Well it is on the frame but not in the way I can quilt it.  It is just draped across the frame until I can piece the back.  Luckily the weekend isn't officially over, there is still tomorrow, Monday is Labor day.

Mystical Horses with Borders

I was able to add the last border this morning.  Mr. B is holding up the one side so I could take a picture of the whole quilt.  I just realized that I have a couple of names for this quilt, I guess I should be more consistent.  I have it labeled in my pictures, as Mystical Horse, and plural as Mystical Horses.  In EQ6 I have it as Mystic Horse.  I just check and Laurel Burch called it Mythical Horses.  Very interesting, I guess I better decide on it's real name before I finish it. 

Topsy Snowman

I also made some progress on the Topsy Snowman, he is all appliqued and quilted, the binding is on the front side and most of his embellishments are done.  He just needs a few more buttons up his front.  Four more wakes ups before I leave for quilt camp. 

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