
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Get-away 2010

Let me start off by saying I had a really good time at Fall Get-away or what I usually call Quilt Camp.  I ate too much, laughed a lot, and did a fair share of talking.  I also did some sewing. 

mequilter with Topsy Snowman

The first thing I finished was my small quilt for the silent auction.  Don't let the title of the auction seduce you into to thinking it is a tame event.  Those ladies can sure bump you around with their hips if they really want something.  Luckily they are all soft bumps. 

The weather was a lot cooler in Prescott than here in Mesa.  I actually had to put on my long blue jeans on Thursday night and wear a sweater each evening and morning.  I'm not complaining.  I'm ready for the cooler weather to come!

Topsy Snowman

If you would like to check out more pictures of came you can go to my album on my Webshots page.  There you can see some of the other quilters and some of the sites of the camp we go to in Prescott. 

mequilter and Painted Desert

Here am I with another project I finished the top on.  This project I started at the Fall Get-away in 2004.  It took me most of Friday to piece the borders and sew them on to the center.  Those are very small pieces.  It is from the July/August 2004 Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting. 

Those items hanging behind me are some of the auction items.

Painted Desert

Here is Painted Desert all by itself and basted and ready for quilting.

me sewing

Yes I did actually sew, and there I am with my sweater on. 

My Camp Projects

Home again and here are my camp projects. 
From Left to Right:
Christmas Cardinals,
Tumbler table runner,
Painted Desert.

I also started the Yellow Brick Road quilt.  I purchased this fabric in Orland Florida in May of 2009 when Richard and I were there last year.  It is on my list of quilt to finish this year.

So there you are a little bit about quilt camp and the sewing I did.  I came home on Sunday and relaxed and began unpacking.  Monday I did more unpacking and all the weekend chores, because you know how it goes, if you aren't here they don't get done.  I was back to work on Tuesday.  This has been the first chance I had to blog. 

Happy stitching!

1 comment:

  1. oh Mary I love your star quilt. it's beautiful!!! love your big board too!


