
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quilting Update

Last weekend I was finally able to do some sewing! I made four Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks.    I have about 4 more blocks to make to be all caught up with the blocks of the weeks.  So hopefully by next weekend I'll be catch up.  The last block on the right is a variation of the block next to it on the left.  I copied it from my friend Susan.   
Thanks for the idea Susan!

I used PhotoScape to combine this individual blocks into one picture, it is a free editing program, I found on line.  So far I like it.  I like to combine different photos into one to save space. 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stocking Update

It is finished!!
As of 10 minutes ago at 9:20 PM on June 20, 2010 the stitching on Will's stocking is finished.  Next Saturday I will take it to my favorite cross stitch shop to have it made into a stocking.  I'm very glad to have this done.  I have decided to leave the wings of the two angels different.  I just can't have two identical angels, I mean we are all different so I think angles are also. 

The top picture shows what I completed this week.  The bottom picture is a view of the full stocking. 

Now on to other projects.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Man Cave Update

I took this picture on Sunday morning the 14th of June but I just now had time to post the update.  This big ugly work bench belonged to Richard's Dad.  It has been in our garage, now that it is out, I'm able to open my passenger's door as well as the driver's door when the car is in the garage.  When we take my car previous to this my husband would back the car out of the garage so I could get in the car.  He put the wheels on the legs to move it easier.  He is also using it to stand on to add the first layer of insulation to the walls and the celling.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stocking Update

I spent a little bit of time a couple of evenings this last week working on the stocking. I spent a lot time on Friday, Saturday evening and today in the evening. This part took a lot of time! It is complicated and took a lot of back tracking to fill in all the areas. But it is done!! Don't worry it only looks like I'm not straight. The stitches do line up, it's just a little stretched on the frame.

Look, I only have a little bit left to do!! Not much at all. I hope I can get it done by next Sunday night. That would be so awesome if I can. My quilting machine is calling me, some of my fabric is calling me. I want to get this done so I can work on other things.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stocking Update

I spent some time on Saturday & today making progress on this here stocking. I'm on the last section of pattern, I'm so glad. I do have two different colors on that very bottom part. Because I changed a couple of color to fit the kids taste, I wasn't sure if I wanted to use one of the colors so I played with two other colors. I'm not sure I like it. I might go back to the original color, but I might have to unwind the whole thing to see what color will look the best. I need to do that earlier than 9:30 PM, so maybe tomorrow after work I'll look again to see what I like. Not that the kids will notice.

Man Cave Update

Today I have lots of pictures of the man cave. Lots was accomplished this week, now that the evening are longer. Richard has had more time to work outside, the down side of that is it is hotter now. This first picture is the new hole in the wall. He drilled through the wall in the hobby room which is only 2 yrs old and through the foundation to the outside of the room. The reason is so he can thread cable, phone & Internet out to his man cave. Not that he needs it but just in case. Well it will increase the re-sale value of our home if it is all wired and it is easier to do it now then later. I wasn't too happy about this idea, and of course the hole is bigger than planned, it is suppose to be covered by outlet plate. It looks like he has some fixing to do here. He was happy to see light. In this picture the tubing is already inserted.

Then he gets to the other side of the wall, outside and I hear this 4 letter word for it didn't turn out like it should. His hole came out a little high and he had to break away the rest of the cement. He is going to re-cement it. So why did he push all the dirt back?? I'm only a girl but what do I know. If any unwanted critter's craw into my house because of this hole, plug your ears!

The air conditioning unit was completely installed, and he even turned it on. Since there is no insulation he couldn't tell how well it cools. I won't tell you how hot the door knob was to this man cave, it faces due West and I wished I had an oven mitt to open the door when I went in to take this picture.