
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stocking Update

It is finished!!
As of 10 minutes ago at 9:20 PM on June 20, 2010 the stitching on Will's stocking is finished.  Next Saturday I will take it to my favorite cross stitch shop to have it made into a stocking.  I'm very glad to have this done.  I have decided to leave the wings of the two angels different.  I just can't have two identical angels, I mean we are all different so I think angles are also. 

The top picture shows what I completed this week.  The bottom picture is a view of the full stocking. 

Now on to other projects.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! What a lot of work went into the making this, wonderful job.

  2. well you can see I made it to your blog. the internet is working for now! LOL! Mary, the stocking is gorgeous! can't wait to see how it will finish! Good job!!!

    thanks for sharing with us all....


  3. Finally finishing a project always feels so good, especially one so detailed. I finished number 3 of my 6 game quilts this week - glorious feeling!

  4. That turned out beautifully. What a wonderful heirloom!
