I spent a little bit of time a couple of evenings this last week working on the stocking. I spent a lot time on Friday, Saturday evening and today in the evening. This part took a lot of time! It is complicated and took a lot of back tracking to fill in all the areas. But it is done!! Don't worry it only looks like I'm not straight. The stitches do line up, it's just a little stretched on the frame.
Look, I only have a little bit left to do!! Not much at all. I hope I can get it done by next Sunday night. That would be so awesome if I can. My quilting machine is calling me, some of my fabric is calling me. I want to get this done so I can work on other things.
Hi I love your stocking it will be gorgeous. I have been busy with my friend passing. I did not see the winner of eq7 have you drawn it yet. Thanks so much.