
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stocking Update

I'm making this a Christmas stocking update only, since I haven't sewed a thing in weeks. I'm pleased with the progress I'm making on the stocking. You can look here for the last update on the stocking. You see I have made progress!

I didn't like the tan they suggested for the angel's wings, so I tried white, well I could hardly see the flat white so I tried a metallic white, I'm not sure I like that either. Which angel's wing do you like the one on the left that is metallic white or the one on the right that is tan??? Please leave a comment and let me know.
You can double click on the picture to make it larger.

Thank you all you faithful followers for stopping by!!


  1. This is so pretty. I made some very detailed cross-stitched stockings for the girls several years ago, but by the time I finished theirs I didn't have it in me to make mine and Garret's. Maybe some day... we'll have to see.

  2. Thanks Cori! This is actually #7 that I have made. I only have one more to go for Kinsen's future wife where ever she may be. I hope it happens soon before my eyes give out all together. :-)
