
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Yo-Yo Quilt Update And Masks for Cornona Virus

I know it has been a while since I have posted any progress on my Yo-Yo quilt. I finally made some progress since I had my sewing machine up to make masks for my family and nurse friends. 

But here is what you really want to see.  First I connect four rows of blocks together. 

Then I sewed two rows together. They are in the middle. I was thinking I can't wait to preview border fabric but my favorite quilt shop is closed for because of the Corona Virus! So, I have to wait. 

Feels good to be making progress!

This is just a small sample of masks I made.

Here I am styling with a mask on. Yes, I did make a quilt out of this fabric. 

And with a different mask on. 

Happy Stitching!

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