
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Finally Sewing Again

Yes it is true. I have done some sewing. It has been over a year since I had my machine out. I finished one project and have started another. I have really missed sewing. 
Of course, that means I am not doing any scrapbooking. I can only do one hobby at a time in my room. 

My first project was for a little pillowcase to cover my mini pillow I place between my knees when I am going to sleep. My old pillowcase that I have been using for ages was threadbare and getting holes in the seams. 

The old small pillowcase. My big pillowcase the colors are reversed. She how much this was loved and used.

A close up of the cuff. I heard it ripe one time when I was turning over. That was the time I thought I better get the new one done.

Starting the French seams for the new pillow case. I purchased this fabric ages ago. When I was still going to Quilting get-a-ways and I wanted a new set of pillowcases for the get-a-ways. Then life changed and I don't go to get-a-ways anymore. It's all good.

Here it is all finished. I made it in a couple of hours or less. 
I don't really time myself. 

The next night I made the big one for my head pillow.
The cuff is really going to be big.

Close up of the cuff to show off the cats and the cute sayings.

The Big One. 

Both of them. 

Tomorrow I will share my other new project. 
Until then Happy Stitching!

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