
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day Trip

On July 3rd Mr. B took off from work to have a long 4th of July weekend and we decided to take a day trip.  We wanted to go to Flagstaff and go up the Ski Lift at Snowbowl.  My hubby got this crazy idea to go the long way around to Flagstaff to avoid the morning commute traffic.  Now that I think of it, I bet it was light since a lot of people were off.  
So we went to Payson and then on to Winslow, then to Flagstaff.  We wanted to take the Chair Lift ride to the view from the top of the mountain.  
It was a lovely day!

Here is proof we were in Winslow AZ, on Old Route 66.  I wanted to find the corner with a statue on it, that says Standing on a Corner on Winslow AZ.  But we were running a little late by this time and we didn't look for it.

Up, up and away!

Mr. B and Bigger Bit behind us going up.  

Little Bit is with me, I love this little face and the kid who owns it.

Here we are at the top, we needed jackets.  It was in the 60's and we had come up from the valley that was in the 100's that is a big temperature change. 

Doesn't everyone need this kind of picture.

A map of the different ski routes.  I have been skiing twice once in Utah and once here.  This was many many years ago.  I got off this chair lift at the midway point.  It was a little too advance for me but the other beginner routes were closed because the snow was being to melt. that was in March I think in 1990. 

My other face that I love as well as the who owns it. Isn't she cute.  We have started going down here.

At the bottom we went for a little hike, 
here is Bigger Bit on a big rock. 

Here is Little Bit on the rock she climbed.  

My little hikers.

Here we are, Mr. B and Mrs B. 

At the very end of our hike, Bigger Bit got the impression that she needed to look up and when she did she saw three deer.  By the time I changed my lens on my camera they had moved and this is all the better shot I got of them.  Originally they were standing on the near side of the fallen tree. 
I bought myself a new Nikkon DSLR camera.  I have never had one before and I have a lot to learn.  So far I like the picture but I am still using auto focus.  This was my first time taking lots of pictures with it.  I took 140 pictures on this little day trip. 

Happy Travels. 

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