
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Get RR Done Club

My local quilt shop has a Get RR Done Club that 
meets once a month for 6 months.  It is hosted by the 
fun and lovely Debbie.  Here is the link to her blog where she posts everyone's progress. So I decided to sign up for the 
club and see if I could get some projects done. 
We had to write down six projects we want to get done.  
I listed mine in the order I wanted to finish them.  
Which is not the order they will be finished in.  
Each month Debbie pulls a number from one to six and that is the project you have to finish in the next month.
My projects are as listed:
  1. Design and Sew  Quilt
  2. Stick Witch 
  3. Stick Santa
  4. Borders on my Dear Jane quilt
  5. Pink Princess
  6. Free Motion Sampler Skillbuilder
Guess what number got pulled first.  Number Six.  
That is right, the one I wanted to do last.  

Oh well in the spirit of fun I will do it first.  
Before I can really get started I need to clean my sewing room.  I am having some creative explosion in there. 

While at the meeting I did sew on my Design and Sew quilt, I finished one block.   
Here it is in the EQ7 version and in the real fabric

EQ 7 Version

The real block

Here is my Dear Jane, started in 2001
I have the backing and batting, and even have one border almost constructed and maybe 3 more triangles to do and 2 corners.  I just got overwhelmed with the borders and if they are going to fit.  So I put it down for a bit, which turned out to be a lot of years.  I have put too much work into it not to finish it.

Here is part of the top border of the quilt.  
You can see the last year I worked on this was 2007.  
I am so close!

This is from an online class from Crafty and it is the first in 
a series on how to make a quilt without a pattern.  
I don't even remember when I started this, but it was sometime in 2014.  Something about the random size of the center strips that is really hard for my structured nature.  I wanted to do it so I can learn to be more free in my style.  So far it hasn't worked,  I couldn't even work on it.  Little Bit will love the pink and the theme fabric matches fabric in her pillow case I made for her.  It has princess words all over it.  She is a little princess.  
So I call this Pink Princess. 
It is simple enough to make, I can do this!

The next two are projects I want to make.  The Stick Santa pattern I have had for a couple of years and the Stick Witch I picked up this year.  Halloween quilts are my second favorite quilts after Christmas.  I also want to work these up as classes this fall.  I can't wait to work on these.

Last but not least is my Free Motion sampler Skillbuilder.  I like to retake quilting free motion classes every now and then as I learn something new from different teachers. This last one had us buy a panel to help us do different designs.  I have done three of the details but I want to Get RR Done, so it was added 
to the list.  This is #6 and has to be done first by the June meeting.  

So wish me luck getting these done and I will keep you 
posted on my progress. 


  1. love your dear jane! I can't wait to see that one finished!!!

  2. Your batik block is wonderful! What a fun class, can't wait to see all your progress.
