
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Super Special Event

Yesterday, October 18, 2014 we all went to the Mesa Temple to be sealed together as a family.  
In front of the temple, after the sealing.
I was a nervous wreck but didn't know it until I had a crazy dream during the week, that I showed up in my bathrobe without my temple recommend.  I had everything I needed for the girls but not what I needed for me.  Of course I couldn't reach Mr. B by phone.
The night before I remember I hadn't filled out the Family Group Sheet that I needed to take with me.  So yesterday morning I was filling that out.  I didn't know any of the dates for Mr. B, and even forgot the date I was baptized.  Lucky for me Mr. B. has access to all that information.  
The girls were great they got ready quickly and we left the house on time.  We took our Elders with us, they had permission from their mission president to attend the temple with us. 
With Elders Bellio and Gillespie

From there everything went smoothly and I calmed down.  When you think about it there was no reason to be nervous but I guess I am human after all.  
  There wasn't a dry eye in the sealing room.  Little Bit was all very interested in all that was happening.  Bigger Bit was a little overwhelmed at first but quickly relaxed. 

There sure was a lot of love in the room.
Lots of wonderful people took time out of a busy
Saturday to be with us.

It is hard to explain the feelings or how special the experience was, just know that it was all that it could have been.
With Mr. B's sister Mary Ann & brother Bill
Afterwards we all went to lunch at Mi Amigos.  It is one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants. 

In the evening the girls wrote in their journals about the day, I didn't even ask them to, they just did it.  So I know it was a special day for them also.


  1. Congratulations! I'm so excited for your family. Don't worry: no one remembers their Family Group Sheet!


  2. I am so happy for your family. This is something that will always be a special day for you and the girls. You all have had so many blessings come your way.

