
Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Mission

I severed my mission in the Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission from July 5, 1979 to January 5, 1981.  I had this picture made for me by a sister in Guayarmerin, Bolivia.  She made it on a treadle sewing machine and all by free motion.  I had it in a frame for years but decided it needed to be in my Mission scrapbook. 
This page has some pictures of the actual river and the boats.  It is the Rio Mamore and the ride was about 30 minutes to cross over to Brazil.  I traveled there and worked there for about 9 days as a Welfare Missionary.

Guayaramerín, Bolivia


  1. wow Mary! that picture is great! amazing what you can do on a treadle with only a straight stitch! what a treasure!


  2. Hey! I was just showing Bobbie McGuire your blog! Love the desk
