
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Top is Done!

I have gotten some sewing done!! Thanks to the fact that my scrapbooking supplies are off my cutting table. I was able to cut and add the last four borders to Mr. B's quilt, Orion's Star. Not to make the backing and buy the batting. He wants high loft and tied. No cardboard quilting for him. He calls quilt that are quilted relatively close as cardboard quilts. Of course we differ on that opinion. But since it is his quilt I will make it his way.

You can't see the whole quilt here but you get the idea. I am also having issues with blogger tonight, I can't type on the compose tab, only on the HTML tab, so I can't change my font size or add spaces between the picture and text. Bugging me. I did all the typical problem solving tips, shut down computer, cleaned internet cookies and stuff. Oh well. Happy Sewing! Scraping, or whatever. Be sure to stay safe and cool this summer.

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Desk and It's New Life

About two weeks ago I had this brilliant idea. That I needed a place to scrapbook that wasn't in my sewing room.  I am not getting any sewing done because the scrapbooking is on the cutting table and I don't want to put it all away to cut fabric.  Especially since I need to add outside boarders to a quilt. 
Bottom drawers with 8.5 x 11 paper
So I thought where could I do this.  A good friend offered me a desk and I thought I had a solution to my problem.  But when I got home and pulled into my garage I realized I had a desk, why don't I use that desk.   

Middle drawer with punches
So I cleaned out the desk. I purchased this desk from DI (Deseret Industries) when I first moved to Arizona in 1984. I think I paid $100 for it, so it is not the fanciest roll top desk you have ever seen but guess what, it works. 
Top drawers
This poor desk has been neglected  for many years.  It has been in the back food storage room, just holding old stuff.  For the last year since our remodel last March it has been in the garage.  

Middle drawers and work area
The top right drawer has pens, most of them given to me by a good friend. The middle drawer has my Kiwi Lane Designing Templates, one of my favorite tools. Left drawer are mostly corner punches and some old punches, for flowers, circles, stars. Now it is in my front room, you know the room that is company ready all the time. It polished up very nicely. 

Work area
The work space may be a little smaller than I would like but I would only make a bigger mess if I had more room.  You can see those two finished pages in yesterday's post.  The area works well.

Closed and Company Ready
The nice thing is I can close it up and I am ready for company and my creative mess is hidden.  It doesn't hold all my stuff but it does hold the things I use the most.  

My cutting table is all cleaned off and I am going to go cut boarders now.  
Have fun today! Happy Stitching or Scraping!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Mission

I severed my mission in the Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission from July 5, 1979 to January 5, 1981.  I had this picture made for me by a sister in Guayarmerin, Bolivia.  She made it on a treadle sewing machine and all by free motion.  I had it in a frame for years but decided it needed to be in my Mission scrapbook. 
This page has some pictures of the actual river and the boats.  It is the Rio Mamore and the ride was about 30 minutes to cross over to Brazil.  I traveled there and worked there for about 9 days as a Welfare Missionary.

Guayaramerín, Bolivia

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Family History Pages

On this first page, I have my grandmother on her graduating from nursing school.  I hate it when I finish a page, and see one of my page elements is crooked.  I never see it until it is on my computer screen.  Anyway, she was a nurse, so was my Mom who raised me was a nurse and I worked as a nurse for 46 years, making our combined history of nursing in my family a 107 years old. 
Below is my younger brother, his wife Kathy & their first son Kevin.  Good looking family.

There are also some pictures of the younger me, making an appearance as Aunt Mary.

Hanging with Aunt Mary!


Monday, June 10, 2013

More Pages

Do you remember when I designed this page? Click Here to read the post.  I finally have my picture to add to the page.  We had one of the kids took it after church on Sunday.  We are still going strong 21 years later. 
 I also did some pages from back I 1959, when we first moved to Fort Lauderdale Florida. Here are my Mom and brothers.  She was expecting Eddie the youngest of us Hartmann Kids.  
The Story for my Family History Book.