
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Wedding Album Series # 3

Well I had a very busy Friday and Saturday.  I took my foster kids to the Zoo, and we had a grand time and did a lot of walking and of course it was the first day we hit the 90s.  Too hot for me. I even did some sewing so I will post that later.
Back to the Wedding Album. 

The happy couple walked in together on their first walk of their new life. 

The fog machine adding atmosphere.

Kierra had her dad give her away.  Originally she didn't want to do this but I explained to her, that it is the only thing a Dad does and looks forward to doing for their daughter.  She was glad she did this for her Dad.

Just some pictures.

Well blogger is giving me fits today, I am having a hard time lining up my text with my pictures.   I think I made it!  Now to publish it falls apart again.

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