
Monday, April 8, 2013

Sewing Time

Well I am feeling better and coughing less.  I am so glad this was a long drawn out cough.  I am not done yet but better.  I'll be so glad to be off the steroids and the nebulizer treatment that makes me shake.
I actually found some sewing time.  I feel alive again!!
Charity Block
First I finished these two charity blocks I am doing with a group of my quilt friends.  We are making the quilt for a woman's shelter, the Fresh Start program.  We each are making two blocks and they will alternate.  We are all using red, cream and tans.  I think it will look very nice when completed.  Hopefully the recipient will feel valued and find more courage to lead a better life.
It was General Conference weekend and a good time to do some hand work.  I also decided in the evening once the foster kids are in bed and can do hand work as I sit with Mr. B and watch TV.  Since the kids bedroom is next to my sewing room, I can't sew when they go to bed.   So I found this project and started working on it again. 

Yes that is right, I started this two years ago. I forget how many I have done and how many I have to go yet, but I am more than half way.  I have 12 blocks here and I sewed down the centers on two and tacked on eight small yo-yos to each block.  Not bad for a weekend.  The littlest girl helped me pick colors for a couple of blocks and she even tacked down a couple of Yo-Yos. 
Next I will applique all those Yo-Yos. 
Now to go grocery shopping and do more laundry.
Happy Stitching!

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