
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Fun Website!

Today while checking email I had an email from Digital Scrapper.  I don't digitally scrapbook but I like to see some of her ideas.  On her blog she tells you about a link that makes text into shapes.  Her post gives lots of details on how to use the other site. 
So of course I had to try it and of course I than had a make a scrapbook page.  I guess I should take a picture of Mr. B and me to add to the page. 
Site to make the text shape is Festiste.  Just try it is fun!!!!
Script in a heart shape
See I did leave room to add a picture.  The text just tells the dates we meet, first date, when we married and that 21 years later we are still going strong!
That was fun! I had to share.  I bet you could print it on fabric for a quilt label also. 
Well have fun what ever you do!!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.

    And, happy Anniversary too!

