
Monday, August 20, 2012

Quilting Retreat

I have been on vacation since last Wednesday. So what did I do on my vacation? I went on a quilting retreat with a group of my quilting friends. I use to go to quilt camp at a youth camp site and it was a lot of fun and with a good group of gals. But the climbing up in bunk beds and all got a little old especially as I am getting older. Also we had to pack our own linen and extra foam pads to make the hard thin mattress more comfortable.
Another group of quilting friends found this very nice place called Quilting on the Rim. Let me tell you this place is really nice and it felt luxurious.  The hostess Barb is a very nice and calm person. Her side kick Denny is a great help. Which I think helped to make the weekend relaxing. Plus the company of good friends is always of great value.  Barb seemed to have her routine down to a science.
I didn't get as much sewing done as I usually do and I think that is because I have really been tired and worn out from work. So I did some reading and relaxing. As well as shopping and eating, lots of good home cooked meals. It was so nice to be waited on and taken care of for 3 days. So here is a little picture journal of my weekend.
 My car is packed and ready to go. I didn't need the little table this year because I forgot my pressing pad to go on it, so I used one that was at retreat.
My trunk is very small and my machine does not fit into the trunk so it travels in the back seat of my car with the seat belt on it. My other item here is my cube on wheels doesn't fit in the trunk either. One of the disadvantages of a small car. Any way I had extra stuff in it because a couple of the girls wanted to look at my Family History Scrapbook. Those who looked enjoyed them. If I had needed to bring my linen on this trip I don't think it would have fit in!
Of course on the way to Show Low we stopped in Payson, first stop the Quilting Sisters for a fabric fix. Followed by a good lunch at Macky's Grill.

Once we arrived at Quilting on the Rim the machines and fabrics came out. Girls Start your machines!  Let me tell you those design walls didn't stay empty for long.  Several where up early sewing and many stayed up late. 

There is enough room for 10 quilters, each have their own table.  There were two cutting stations, two ironing boards, five design walls and lots of good light.  I think a lot of thought went into the planing of this space.  It was comfortable to work and visit in. The room wasn't so large that you couldn't visit with everyone.

This is a Chair Caddy my friend Linda in Miami, Florida made for me. She made it so I could remember the trip to Miami 3 years ago as well as to take all my stuff to quilting get aways. It is really very clever.

Here are the projects I worked on. 
Blocks from my Caribbean Sea Quilt, I have two more to finish and I should be done.  I was thinking I might need to make another column because this might be two small for the bed I want it for.  I also did some playing in EQ, yes I took my laptop with me and I spent very little time checking Facebook, email or anything else.  WiFi was available, I just wanted a vacation from it.
I started my It's All About the Boots wall hanging.  I even started the embroidery.  I'll post that when the embroidery is finished.  

I added borders and basted my twister curtain for the master bath.  One of my friends Jane who went with us picked out this batik for the borders, at first I thought it wouldn't work but when I previewed the pieced top on it, I knew that it did.  Good pick Jane!  Thanks !

Each afternoon I tool a break from sewing and did some napping and reading in the hammock.  Very nice and relaxing.    This is on the front porch.

We ate breakfast on the back porch and after each meal we spent time watching the hummingbirds.  It was relaxing to see them.  I didn't know how much noise those little wings make when the are flying.  The coolest temperature was 59 degrees in the morning.  It was very refreshing.

I had a great time, thanks to all who joined in on the fun.  This is what I saw on the way out. 
What I was reading while at camp and finished this morning was Quilt as Desired by Arlene Sachitano.  I picked it up last March at the AQG quilt show.  I really enjoyed it and I am glad I purchased another of her books while there.  I hope she comes to the next show so I can buy some more.  It is a murder mystery with a quilt show and quilters. 

Vacation is almost over, now to do the grocery shopping and unpack all the quilting stuff!

Happy Quilting!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love Payson and the Rim. It sounds like you had a wonderful time and I wish I had been there. I love Arizona's Northern country.
