
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Getting to Look A Lot Like Christmas

My Main Nativity Set
I had the nicest compliment any one could pay me the other day about my house.  My friend said, "Your house looks magical for Christmas."  She thought my quilts added a lot.  WOW did that make me feel good!

I have always thought it did but it was nice to hear it.  When I told Mr. B. he agreed but he has never taken the time to mention it.  So I am going to share some pictures of my "Magical Christmas Home"

My Angel Area
The big Angel is a tree topped but it too heavy to place on the top of the tree, so on the table it sits. 

The sofa area
My little 3 candle holder, I like to put in the window of the front bedrooms but I would forget to plug them in, so this year I am trying the living room.  I still have to add the candles to the spinning creche. I only light these on Christmas Eve and maybe Christmas morning. 
Pyramid one lit

Lit in 2008 this one is from Germany
Jingle Corner
Santa in the kitchen

Tree and Stockings

You can read a post about my stockings and close up pictures of each one here.  This is from my Genealogy blog and Christmas traditions and memories.
Christmas Quilts

Under the main Nativity
Santa Quilts
Merry Christmas!!

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