
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Border Progress on the Double Irish Chain

It never fails when I have lots of stuff to post about my hard drive experienced a failure.  It is only an eight month old computer also.  Lucky for me Mr. B is a desk top engineer and he was able to find the un-fixable problem, and since it was still on warranty he ordered a new hard drive and installed it.  He was also able to save all my files and load them onto my new hard drive!  Thanks you Mr. B!!!
So now to catch up on all I have been doing.  I have being seeing red, grey and black all over. 
I have been taking lots of strips of fabric...

...and making border sections.  After you sew those strips together you cut them again and sew them off set to make the Seminole border.  A fun process.

I even had lots of company but no help from my cat Rosie.  She is the only cat I have ever had that sits in my lap and not on the table but the machine.  She doesn't usually stay long because I am not paying her attention.

This is how things were on Thursday Nov. 10.

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