
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fresh Picked Flowers is Done!

Yes my quilt for my cousin is all finished!!  The label is on, I even sewed it on by hand.  I usually just fuse them on, but this is a special quilt so I designed the label and I sewed it on by hand. 
These pictures aren't the best but I already have the quilt wrapped and packed to be mailed tomorrow.  I am not sure how long it will take to get to England but I am sure I will hear when it arrives.

I love the cute little tags I found to insert between the seam and binding. I found the cute little tags on Saturday when the binding was completed.  I ripped out some of the stitches to insert the tab. It says PS I Love You.  I have covered the label so if my cousin looks at my blog, she won't see it, I mean she should have some little surprise.  I am not a very good secret keeper am I? 

Happy Stitching!


  1. I love the curves that finish the edges of the first quilt! I've made a couple of baby quilts using the quarter square triangles, but your scallops put the design over the top.
