
Monday, June 27, 2011

I Have Been Traveling

Yes it was travel for work time.  This time I was in Wheatland, Wyoming and this time I had company.  My Mr. B. went with me.  He had some vacation time to use up so he kept me company.  I was working 2 PM to 10:30 PM but he had a pleasant time off even if he did wish he had stayed home and worked on his Man Cave.  I enjoyed having his company.  He would have missed me if he didn't come.
Richard in a Wagon Wheel Rut

We did find time to see some of the local sites.  One morning we went over to Guernsey Wyoming to see the Oregon Trail Landmarks.  First we went to the Oregon Trail Ruts.
It is amazing to me that so many wheels driving over this sand stone could make such deep ruts.  One place we read they are as deep as five feet in some places.  Mr. B. did take his key out of his pocket and sure enough it took no energy at all to scape a line in the sand stone.  We did not crave our names into the stone. 

The Trail West

It was interesting to learn more about the pioneers and their trip West.  I am grateful they had the courage to do such a thing.  I am also grateful that when I moved West I had a nice air conditioned car to do it in.   

Register Cliff
 Our second stop on this morning was the Register Cliff.  Here many pioneers carved their names into the sand stone.  One industrious trader blasted a root cellar storage area into the mountain, see the hold in the wall behind the sign. 

Close up without fence

Close up with fence

There were a lot of names craved and the wall was protected by a fence to prevent modern day would be carvers.

Mr. & Mrs. B at Fort Laramie
 Our second day of site seeing took us to Fort Laramie.  This was very interesting and I would have liked to spend some more time there, but I had to be to work by 2 PM.  One of my co-workers went with us so here is a picture of both of us together.

Covered Wagon & Handcart

When the fort was in its heyday it had 187 buildings and a 1000 people living there.  Now there are 23 buildings in different stages of repair. 

We stopped so I could get out of the car and take a picture of this plaque.  Here I meet a Welshman who was following one of his ancestor's.  His ancestor had joined the Mormons and he was following the trail all the way from Omaha, Nebraska to Salt Lake City, Utah.  We were having a hard time getting the picture.  He ended up standing on the fence rail in front of the monument and he offered to take one for me.  I noticed his accent and asked where he was from, he said Wales.  I mentioned I have a second cousin in Wales but of course I don't know the area he where lives.  My other second cousin told me but I forgot.  This was all the conversation we had.  But the exchange left an impression on me.  I wished we had exchanged names or something.  I have thought of him often and wonder how his trip is going.  What did he hope to accomplish and  has he accomplished his goal?  I wish him well on his journey!

We had lovely weather while in Wyoming nice cool evenings and pleasant days.  We came home to 111 degrees and when you have been away and come back it sure hits you hard.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. We hope to go to Wyoming the first part of August. Our son and wife (Spence & Kristi) just moved to Rawlins a tiny town in the southwest corner.
