
Monday, December 27, 2010

Updates on Man Cave & Quilting

Walls are almost done!
 Mr. B. had five days off for Christmas last week and on Wednesday, Thursday and part of Friday he worked on his "Man Cave".   He made good progress and all the four walls are covered, except for maybe a little area by the floor.  Here is the latest picture.  It is surprising how much time it takes to measure and cut those boards to fit. 

My Moon Santa

After I finished the Believe or Moon Santa for my blog give away on Christmas morning, I started on my copy.  I still have some embroidery to do finish and trim to add.  The machine applique is all completed.

Christmas Charm quilt waiting to be basted.
 While looking and updating some of my side bar boxes the other day I realized that the Christmas Charm quilt was one of my goals to finish for this years, so I took it off the design wall and added the two side borders and the bottom triangle.  It is now spread out on my cutting table and ready to base.  I am going to work on this as soon as I finish my blog posts. 

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