
Monday, July 26, 2010

Quilting Update and Travel

Blocks on July 17, 2010
I'm thinking there must be a way I can spice up these quilting updates. I'm not finding any original ideas running around in my head. Isn't it interesting how some days you feel so creative when writing and other days it's like the well is dry. So here are this week's and last week's blocks. These two blocks are the ones I finished on Saturday, July 17th. I wasn't able to post last Sunday because I was in Ogallala Nebraska for work. I also didn't do a lot of sewing. I'm just to interested in working on my Genealogy. Not that I'm getting very far but I'm sure enjoying looking for documents and connecting the dots. It is amazing how much time it takes.

I left for Nebraska on Sunday morning about 6:15 AM, arrived in Denver and then drove about four hours to Nebraska. I took breaks frequently. At each stop my husband had me text him with my location and the make, model and license plate # of the renal car I had. Isn't he a good guy, making sure I was safe.

While I was in Ogallala I did a couple of tourist type things.  I ate my first ever Rocky Mountain Oysters.  The were good, tasted to me like a mild liver, it took several pieces before I could decide what they tasted like.  They were breaded and fried, so that usually makes any thing taste good.  I do like liver so that wasn't an issue for. 

Crazy Quilt seen at The Mansion on the Hill
I took a tour of the Mansion on the Hill, which was the first home built in Ogallala.  The walls where made from brick and where 16 inches deep. All the wood for the house was imported because after all they are in the plains and there weren't any trees. That would be so strange for me, and I'm glad they now have trees. This picture is from the master bedroom and is of a crazy quilt. The docent wasn't real sure of when it was made and states it is in good condition for it's age, only a couple of worn spots.

I don't know if you can see the chair real well but it is had out of cattle horns.  You should be able to double click on the picture to see it larger.  I also went to Boot Hill Cemetery
Blocks from July 25, 2010
Here are the blocks I made this weekend.  I made these on Saturday and Sunday, that makes a total of 61 blocks. 

I almost forgot I did one other fun thing, the day I drove back to Denver to fly home I had a little time, so I went to a quilt shop,  you can tell by the pictures the name of the shop.  For those of you who don't know this is Harriet Hargrave's shop.  I took a Machine Quilting class from her a few years ago when she came to the valley to teach.  It was an excellent class.  I enjoyed her shop and her staff were very pleasant. 
Picture I took of the shop front
Well have a good week and Happy Stitching!


  1. What a great trip, and I love your blocks!

  2. I loved the crazy quilt. My grandma used to make those and I have several lap ones I'm thinking of turning into a bedspread. They're so colorful and beautiful to me. I love touring old places. How fun for you!
