
Friday, January 22, 2010

Week Three Personal Goal

It has been a hard week. It has been stressful at work and I'm a stress eater. Not a good combination. Even with that I only went 200 to 250 calories over my calories allotment most days, not every day. But those extra calories add up. I did journal every day what I ate so I knew what I was doing. Now to get control of that bad habit. I did keep up with my core exercises and my stair climbing. I made close to 6,000 or over 6,000 steps every day. Well a couple of days my pocket pedometer reset to 0000000 so I'm not sure on the exact of steps I took. I'm going to put it in a plastic sleeve to prevent it from reset it. I just came up with that idea. I did lose 1 pound.

I have spent all day at the Arizona Family History Expo, boy did I learned a lot and now I need to do the things I learned. I have to go look and decide what classes I will attend tomorrow. I stayed for the Banquet dinner and we had a live Genealogy Gem Podcast. It was really fun to be envolved with the first live podcast. It was very informative and fun.

No Man Cave update tomorrow, it has been raining all week and we even had tornado warnings last night. Northern AZ had 12 feet of snow. Out backyard is flooded and more rain is coming. I sure hope this rain fills up all our lakes. It sure feels like winter here this week.

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