
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Quilting Upate

Hello Again,
I have heard back from Colleen and she is very excited about winning the Christmas Wall Hanging. I'm happy that I can make someone else happy.

It has been a fun day for me. I made a new quilting friend today. My friend Linda who lives in Miami FL, the same friend I visited for 11 days in May. Sent me an email about an acquaintance who was moving from Miami to Mesa AZ. I emailed the acquaintance and she replied and would contact me when she was settled. We spoke last Saturday and today we meet for lunch. We had a really nice visit. She gave me a quilting magazine, one I have never looked at called Art Quilting Studio. It looks like some good bed time reading.

After an hour and a half lunch with Maryann, I called my friend Linda and we visited by phone for an hour and a half. Linda and I have always had long visits on the phone. While Linda & I visited I finished the binding on A Blue Horse for You. It is Krystal's Christmas gift. She hasn't seen it yet and she doesn't check out my blog. So it's safe to post a picture of it here. I hope she likes it, she does love horses so that should help. She did tell some of my friends one day I do lovely work. So we'll see.

I did some quilting on my Give Away quilt, so I made some progress on that. My frame machine is out of the machine hospital but I didn't feel like putting the DJ Christmas quilt back on the frame. I only have the side borders to finish.

I also sewed and cut and began pressing a large bunch of half square triangles for part 9 of my Washington Medallion Quilt. Yes I'm keeping all those little pieces in a tin until they are made into blocks and would you believe that was my mind less sewing.

I also finished decorating the house for Christmas. So it was another busy week for me. Unfortunately since I worked on Saturday this coming work week will feel like a long one.

Well until we meet again take care and have fun no matter what you do.

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