
Saturday, November 7, 2009


I'm really curious to know how many of you have participated in a block swap and what your feelings are about block swaps. I'm going to post some thoughts later but first I was curious to know what the general feelings were out there. So leave your comments and answer the following questions.

Have you ever participated in a block swap?

Was it an online block swap?

Was it a local group block swap?

Have you participated in more than one?

Do you want to participate in one if you never have?

Have you decided not to participate in one again and why?

I'll leave the questions here for a week then I will post my thoughts. If you leave a comment and post a comment on your blog about this question and link it back to my blog, I will enter you name in a give away. I'm planing to have a give away to celebrate my one year anniversary of being a blogger on Thanksgiving. So if you do this and enter the Anniversary give away you will have two chances to win. Be sure I have a way to reach you.

If you would like to leave a comment but don't have a blog you can also send me an email at mebowden(at)cox(dot)net.

Thanks for participating.


  1. Mary-
    I have been in many block swaps although none with a local group. I think I have done 10? Nifty Fifty breast cancer charity swaps. Several dear jane swaps. The most labor intensive one was a red, white, blue dear jane swap.
    Seriously don't see myself doing another one. Even as controlled as the RWB DJ swap was, I still received blocks that didn't use the "guidelined" fabric colors or techniques.Most swaps are still in baggies and not finished. Either I've lost interest in the theme or the colors..

  2. Kathy you were my 5,500 visitor to my blog. I only know because I had just checked my blog before while I was talking on the phone and I saw your comment come in and now my counter is up one. Do you feel lucky????

  3. I've never done a block swap. I think they sound fun, but I've just never taken the plunge. I guess I have too many other things keeping me busy without adding another deadline.

  4. Hi Bonnie,
    I hear you loud and clear! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Have you ever participated in a block swap? yes I have, several

    Was it an online block swap? lots of online ones

    Was it a local group block swap?
    I have done several in local groups too

    Have you participated in more than one? oh yeah!!

    Have you decided not to participate in one again and why? when I first started quilting I did a lot of swaps. it was good practice for me. however I don't do too many any more. one the cost of mailing. and I have soo many blocks and rows I need to finish them before I even beging to think about it again!!!! very interesting questions!

    Lorene H
