
Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday Quilting Upate

Well besides designing a window covering and packing projects for quilt camp I finished quilting the T-shirt quilt. Here it is all rolled up on the frame. This is definitely the biggest quilt I have done on my frame. The take up roller is sagging in the middle a little. It is still on the frame because I washed my floors today and I decided it was safer on the frame then off. Plus the visiting cats like to jump on the frame and sleep on any quilts I have there. Tomorrow I'll call Julie to come get and unroll it just before she comes.

I also made some progress on my DJ Halloween Swap. The right top corner is sewed down to the and including the black strip. The center square on point has the checker broad border and the three floating blocks border attached. I'm kind of liking the Witches Undies in the upper left corner, too bad it is a directional print. I'm not liking the green, purple and orange square, they blend too much. You might notice one block, green and purple that is partially taken apart. It was too small. I must have been very tired the night I made it for it to turn out that much smaller. After I got it apart and was trying to decided what needed to go where, I spent so much time on it, I think I could have made it over again faster. The quilt is filling in nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, It was great meeting you today!!!! I am loving your DJ halloween quilt! Really cool.

    thanks for stopping by...

