
Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Surprise!

On Wednesday evening our daughter Kierra and her boyfriend Will had us over for dinner, with his parents. So I thought they were just having us over to dinner to show us how much they have done on their home, to meet the new puppy and to celebrate her graduation from the Community College. But after dinner she said, "We have an annoucment to make." "We have decided to get married." Music to my ears!

My husband always the tradition fellow asked, "Did Will get done on one knee and ask?" "No, it came about as a result of a discussion. We had talked about it a couple of times and we decided to get married. We do everything together and share everything, so we are going to get married." Kierra is not a romantic, not a tradition gal or a foo foo type of girl, which is OK and she seems happy, which is very good. So it's all good.

The big day will be on Oct 31st, Halloween her favorite day of the year at 11 PM in a wedding chapel in Las Vegas. Well I'm happy they are getting married, Will has been good for her, she is happy. They are both working she has graduated with her Associates Degrees in Computer Science. Her goal this summer is to obtain her A+ Certification and her Cisco Networking Certification and plan a wedding. So she is a busy girl.

MySpace Countdowns

Kierra we are happy for you & Congratulations to you & Will!!
Mary Mary


  1. Congratulations to your daughter and her fiance! That is so exciting! I wish them nothing but happiness!

  2. Congrats for her! Halloween is a great day - my birthday :)
