
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vacation Day 11 Going Home

Just because it is lour last day doesn't mean we didn't take time to be tourist. We rode the Miami-Dade Metro rail from start to finish. This is something my honey wanted to do so I was glad to do it with him. I mean he did go to all those quilt shops with us. So here he is, he sure looks like a tourist. Linda told us not to look like tourist, but I think we failed. Plus he keep singing his song "It's almost time to go home" He is more excited about going home than I am. But this is my old stomping grounds. I saw a museum on the way back that I didn't know about and neither did Linda. The Museum of South Florida. I guess I have an excuse to come back again.

Of course Linda and I got one more quilt shop in, The Quilt Scene. It was a very nice shop and very friendly people. They even let me take a picture of this spectacular quilt. It is from the book French Braid Obsession by Jane Hardy Miller. It is gorgeous! She works at this shop and was there on Thursday and will be there on Saturday to do a book signing. Of course I'm there on Friday. I have her first book but haven't made it yet. They had great patterns there and great kits. I purchased one kit, Take 2 to Boston, but I'll name mine Take 2 to Key West. The fabrics are all batiks and you get two quits out of the fabric. Who knows when I'll make that one.

We had a great lunch and I forgot the name of the restaurant, but it was very good. Then back to Linda's house to do some EQ6 stuff and than she took us to the air port. Here I am getting on the plane. It was a very good trip. Linda is a marvelous hostess and a dear friend. I'm so glad she is in my life. My honey was a great traveling companion even when he gets frustrated not knowing where he is. He was so out of his element.

It's good to be home. OK to be back at work. I'm glad my updates are all done, so many be I can do some sewing now. This takes a lot of time deciding which pictures to do and what to write. But it has been fun! I was able to finish this last one while waiting for AAA to come jump my car, the battery is dead. So I used my time wisely. Now I'm going to study my lesson more I'm teaching on Sunday.


  1. What a fun trip! I'm so glad you had such a great time. And glad to see you this week.

  2. I love that quilt in the shop! Its beautiful!

    I'm so glad you had a wonderful vacation, its always nice to get away! But always good to be home!

    Glad your hubby was a good companion!

  3. Hi Mary. I've never been to Florida, it was fun to read about your vacation there.

  4. Hi Bonnie,
    I hope you can make it there some day. There are a lot of interesting things to see. Thanks for reading about my vacation.

  5. Hi Sara,
    Thanks Sare for your comment, and I'm a lucky gal to have such a good husband.

  6. Hi COri,
    It was a pleasant surprise to see you this week also. How long are you here?
