
Saturday, March 21, 2009

National Quilting Day!

That is correct the 3rd Saturday of March is National Quilting Day. So if you are a quilter what did you do to celebrate??

I celebrated by wearing my new quilt pin, made of wood.

I taught the second part of my One Block Wonder class. Here are the girls a month ago, getting ready to cut their fabric.

Here are their hexagons all laid out. I forgot my camera so I took these pictures on my phone, standing on a chair, so they are not the best of pictures. They also don't show how really cool these lay outs look!

No sooner had I arrived home, when my husband calls me and says, clean off your computer desk, which was really a table, and he meant really clean, nothing on it but the computer, monitors and printers. He had a surprise for me.

He had been to an auction and purchased this four piece L-shape desk for me. What a surprise! I had been looking at some but they were too big or too much money. He purchased this for $200. It's in good condition. So we tore down the old set up and set up the new desk. I even had time to change my curtains in the window behind my desk to my spring curtains. Tomorrow I'll tackle the ones behind his desk.

Yes I love my dual monitors and the furniture has been cat approved.


  1. What a nice surprise. It looks so great in your new room. What a good husband you have.

  2. Yes Jan he is a keeper!! I really was surprised!

  3. What a nice surprise from your hubby! Those quilts look like they are going to be great!
