
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boy Have I Been Busy

Busy doing what I'm not sure. No I know. Besides sewing I prepared a talk for church over the last two weeks and gave it on Sunday. It went very well and my husband did a great job also, even if I didn't leave him enough time. I was tired after church and after dinner I just sat and watched a movie, PS I Love You and I cried through most of it. So I didn't do my usual Sunday Night update. I was too drained.

I did some sewing last week not my usual wild flurry of activity. I made six Square in a Square blocks. After seeing the demo the weekend before I just had to try it. I'm using some my stash. I think I'm just going to make a sampler of these blocks. I also sewed one more strip of wedges for my One Block Wonder but didn't add it to the other part.

I did some more quilting on my Mystery Quilt and marked the last row of blocks, so I'm ready to start making more feathers. They are improving but they still have a long way to go. See the bottom borders are starting to show.
Friday Night I started a new class from QuiltUniversity.Com, called Math for Quilters. I have already learned a few good pointers and I'm sure I will learn more. It has a good review of fractions, decimals, ration & proportion.

I went out to lunch with my friend Christina and started celebrating my Birthday which is on the 12th. Christina and I had a great visit, we went to Olive Garden, soup, bread sticks and salad, very good company & food.
Last night I took my two great nieces out for dinner, Amy & Heather. We have been going out to eat for our birthdays for about 7 years now. Amy's is in January, Heather's is the 5th of Feb & mine is the 12th. We had a grand time and they both talked about the previous times we went out to eat. I enjoy these two girls. I use to teach them how to quilt and they told me last night they both still have their quilts. I was so bummed when I got home I realized I forgot to get a picture of us all together. And I carried my camera around with me all day to do that. You can see pictures of this adorable girls on my webshots link on the right, look for sewing with Amy & Heather. Also my Thanksgiving slideshow has recent pictures of them.
I'm also reading These Is My Words by Nancy Turner, it is about an AZ women pioneer. Very interesting and the trials she had are hard. Talk about hard work every day, Indians and all kinds of stuff. I am enjoying the story.

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