
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Week 11 update on Nikki's Stocking

I was feeling better this week plus I had a whole day with no appointments or errands to run, so I spent most of the day stitching.

Look I have stems going down!
And some flowers filled in.

Here are the golds I am using on those flowers. 

And yes, I had to roll my fabric up again. 
I bet I will have to roll up again by the end of the week.

Be happy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Week 10 Nikki's Stocking Update

I am almost a week late posting this!
I did make progress last week but not a lot. I was sick and my eyes became fatigued very quickly. Working with one eye with the lens out of place is hard and somedays it is harder than others. 

Plus last night when I wanted to write something on my blog I couldn't get into it. If would flash up and blink out. So, I posted in a blogger help community and received the answer. Some old widget on the side no longer worked and some not so nice person put some malware on it. I was helped by a several people on the community help page and was able to remove the old bad widgets and 
I am Back Baby!

As a side note I had an appointment with the Retinal Specialist and I will have surgery for a new lens to be implanted on April 9th! 
I am ready!!

So here is the progress!

Starting to work on the lower designs. Doing the outlines 
of some of the flowers.

See that one lone leaf on the right. Would you believe there are four different shades of green in it? There are!
See if you can find them.

Close up of  the leaf.

The four greens.
Don't worry I have more floss for those that are low.

Here is a close up of the graft and the 
four different keys for each color. 

Bye for now I am going to go do some more stitching.

Be happy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

February's Scrapbooking Pages

I really had a good month and was able to complete 8 pages,
 2 more than my monthly goals. 

The bridesmaids dresses arrived. They look very nice!

Here it is as a two page spread.

A visit to the Giving Machine.

Unusual in Arizona hail.

We took the girls up to Woods Canyon to play in the snow, unfortunately there wasn't a lot. We did drive around a found a small hill with enough snow for the girls to go sleighing.

Thanksgiving 2019 All 4 girls here. One sister lives in California.

Christmas 2019 Different activities.

Christmas 2 page spread.

Filling in my goal sheet.
Part of the reason I did two extra pages is I want to 
color all parts of my barn.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Week 9 Stocking Update

It was a good week and I finished off those Wisemen 
and all those tiny leaves on the trees. 
I almost finished that line of words. 
The blue design and the star were also completed.

The other exciting thing that happened to show progress was I did my first rolling up of the stocking to make it easier to stitch at a lower area.

It might not look like much, only a stitcher could apricate that act.

Happy Life!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

January's Scrapbooking Pages

Some of you may know that I also do scrapbooking. 
For 2024 I set a goal to do 6 pages a month. 
I think it is doable if I stay focused.

Get all cleaned up for company and making Cranberry sauce for us and friends. I had the wrong year on the Thanksgiving pictures, it was really 2019. Which is also the last year I hosted at my home. Now I make my favorite side dishes and we go to our big kids homes. 

Baking the pies and side dishes.

How it looks as a two page layout. Noticed the wrong year.

Year fixed.

This is from our niece's bridal shower. She is the oldest sister of my adopted daughters. 

A dear friend Marcie did the dress alterations. 
They don't like me taking pictures.

At the wedding! We had fun in the photo booth.
We love our alien eyes.
Those are my pictures for January!

My goal chart all filled in for January!

Be Happy!

Friday, March 1, 2024

Week 8 Stocking Update

I don't have a lot to say this week, other than it has been a busy week. With all kinds of stuff. But here come the pictures. 
I am excited to start a new area.

From February 29th.

I tried to put the needle through some of those bottom blue stitches to finish of the thread and the frame was starting to get in my way. If I keep working towards the bottom I am going to have to roll my stocking up. Or I could go up and work on the top of the stocking. 
Decisions, Decisions!

The white plastic covers are to keep the fabric clean.
I really wish those holes looked that big when I am stitching. 

This was from the night I started January 4th.

This is from February 1st.

Keep being happy!