
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Week 3 Nikki's Stocking

Well, I am making progress, 
even if I did ended up doing some ripping!
Luckily it wasn't a lot.
I also have to be careful of what I am watching. 
I found when I am watching Downton Abby, for the 2nd time, 
I stop stitching and just watch. 
That doesn't help with the progress. 

This is where I ended last night Friday the 26th. 
I made it all the way to the left side and 
I was one stitch too close to the flower pot. 
I had to unstitch all the way to the left hand side of the 
bottom of the first hill on the right. 
It get's tricky when you have to skip stitches. 
I moved to working on this section because
 I was tired of working on the top part. 

January 26, 2024

Tonight I was able to find my mistake, undo and redo. 
And it is such a wonderful feeling when the two ends meet in the middle, perfectly. Plus I had just enough thread on my needle to do the last stitch. 

January 27, 2024 All fixed

I guess I did get a lot done this week. I have been reporting my progress on Thursday nights but tonight is Saturday. And I didn't stich everyday. 

Nikki and Klint came over last Sunday for a visit and they were impress with the process of doing counted cross-stitch. 
And the progress. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Stocking update Week 2

It is amazing how much progress can be made 
when you make no mistakes!
Or no major mistakes!!
Or none that I can see!

I am now going to take my tired eyes to bed!

Happy Stitching!

Stocking Update Week 1

The first full week of stitching didn't go smoothly.
I ended up doing a lot of ripping. 😢

First mistake 

I counted only 7 stitches here up to the top step. 
It should have been 10. Except it turned out to be right and I made too many triangles. But I didn't realize that until later.

Mistake Number 2

I ripped out that top row, made the side 10 stitches 
and redid the top row and started down the other side 
when I realized I had missed a step.

All correct, finally!

By the time I got this in correctly my eyes were crossed-eyed!

I have resorted to marking my pattern.

I have never had to mark my progress before 
but if it helps me stay in the right place it will be worth. 
My eyes aren't as young as they used to be.

Another Stocking in the Works Day 1

We have a new family member and we really love her. 

Our son Klint and his new bride Nikki

Walling into the reception

So, of course this means Nikki needs her own stocking
 that matches the all the family stockings.

On January 4th I started the stocking. 
I had a really large piece of fabric and I had to decide 
which way to cut it so the stocking would fit. 
The the next step was to fray check all the edges 
so, I won't have loose threads on the end. 
Before I could start stitching I had to find the middle of the pattern and the middle of the fabric. 

Middle of the fabric and on my frame.

My first stitches.

That was my first evening of work on the stocking.
Doesn't look like much does it.

I have to include a recent picture of Richard and me.

A good picture of my hubby and me on the wedding day!