
Monday, December 29, 2014

Baby Steps is Done!

I have actually finished this little quilt!!
The last hold up was I couldn't find the binding fabric that came with the kit.  So after a the failed search for the original fabric, I had to search my collections of reds to find a fabric that matched.  
I first rejected the fabric I used as too shinny, it actually has a little shin to it.  But all the others didn't look good.  I even tried a black print but it didn't work either.  
I had no real reproduction fabric to preview either.  
So after consulting my preview with a couple of friends, I went with this red.  It looks great and I wonder what I was stressing over.  Do you do that also stress over a detail too small to really worry about?  No one will tell it isn't the same fabric as in the inner border.  And if they do they are the quilt police and I don't need them looking at my work!
Thanks Jane and Kellie for your input.

Happy Stitching 
Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas and The Girls' Stocking Update

Hello!  I hope you all had a great Christmas!!
We had lots of fun here.
The girls wanted to catch Santa on camera, to show he was really hear!  Thanks to some friends who loaned us the Santa suit. I won't tell you how many takes it took to get this selfie on a new phone.

Mommy Kissing Santa

Santa leaving the Red Wagon that was on Bigger Bit's wish list.  It was one of those gifts she dreamed of, she will be too old for it soon.  But I felt it was a dream we could make come true.

Now for the stockings! 
Here is the progress on Little Bit's stocking and now it is waiting for more work. I am doing between 10 - 14 rows on each girls than going to the next stocking.

Here is Bigger Bit's Stocking, the one I am working on now. 

Once I get the flowers for the center pot I will move on to Little Bit's stocking.  It is looking good!  They get so interesting as you add more details.  

The picture I took of all the family stockings stuffed and lined up on Christmas Eve didn't come out very clear.  
But you will get an idea.  

The two green stockings on the end were made by a friend of mine the first Christmas the girls were here, 2012.  So very thoughtful of her.  I am not sure where the white and red one came from but we use it for their big sister.  She is here every week to see the girls, and she told the girls we are like adopted parents to her also.  So she has a stocking but I am not making her one like the rest.

Well I need to run and get ready to take the girls to a park,  

Have a great start to the New Year and Happy Stitching!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Girls' Stocking Update

Well I am making slow and steady progress.  The first update was on October 19, 2014.  They are both happy that they each have a little bit done on their stockings.  I sure don't stitch as fast as I use to.  I have to use the magnifying glass all the time and the chair in the TV room is too deep for me to sit in and stitch.  So I turn the chair to see my chart on my end table and to be under the lamp and sit on the edge of the chair.  So if I want to see what is on TV I turn towards the TV.  I waste too much time see what is on TV.  Well they are for next year. 

Here is the progress on Bigger Bit's Stocking.  She thinks those are the cutest ducks she has ever seen. When I finished the top line of the center pot I almost had a heart attach the curves didn't end over the duck right, it was off by one space.  So I finished working from the other side and I was off on that side also.  After looking at the pattern with the magnifying glass I was able to fine my mistake and luckily it was an easy fix.  I just needed to take out the top row which was only stitched going one way and not tied off.  I needed to add two stitches to the row below it, and two on the top row and it came out perfect.  I had nightmares that I would have to take the whole pot but I knew my bottom was correct.  

Here is Little Bits section that is finished.  It looks crooked because it is on the frame crooked.  The stitching is straight.  I replaced it in the frame four times and I can't get it any better than it is.  It was worst when I first started, so this is better.  I am not sure I like the light grey color here, it is almost too light.  I just don't know what I would place there.  I'll leave for now and see if it grows on me.  For what ever reason this pattern did not have center marked on the pattern for top and sides.  So I started at the top of the design.  I should have started a little lower on my fabric, I don't like working so close to the top of the fabric.  I was just too lazy to count to find the centers.  That paper grid is small for these old eyes. 
I am so looking forward to more color on this stocking.  
Her name comes next.

Happy Stitching