
Friday, November 23, 2012

Block Base Sew Along 4

Do you know how sometimes life can throw you a curve. Well on November 15th I was thrown one.  It has been a good thing but  very time consuming.  On Friday the 16th I retired from work and became the guardian of a 7 and 9 year old girls.  I wouldn't go into any more details but they are as cute as can be but busy.  So I didn't finished my Gratitude series but people are more important than writing and sewing a lot of other things. 
So this block represents all the sewing I have done in 2 weeks.  Yup I have been that busy. 
This block reminds me of a crocked house all the seams are crocked.  I might have to make it over but not today.  Of course no one will see it in a quilt with 140 blocks all 6 inches.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gratitude # 13

I am grateful for Friends. I have had many good friends in my life. I have learned a lot from all of them and have had many hours of fun, living, loving and lots of good company with them all. Even with all the miles that separate some of us they are still near to my heart. I wrote about one last night and I will share more in the coming post of those who are extra special, but they are all special to me.
I even appreciate those friends who are gone from my life.  They are gone because our paths have changed or we moved and lost contact.  You know how it goes.  At the time they were in my life they added to my life with their friendship.  Some of the friends that are gone are not forgotten, I wonder how they are and how their life turned out.  I hope they are well and life has turned out good for them. 
I enjoy and am grateful for the new friends that I am making and how they enrich my life also. 
Isn't it wonderful to have friends in our life and not to be alone.  They help us grow and do things we won't do by ourselves.  I hope that they view me as a good friend like I view them.
Miriam and Mary
Here is a picture of one of my friends from Nantucket, I meet while visiting my grandparents.  We wrote for many years even up until high school.  Gone but not forgotten. 
And I just love that social media thing that has allowed me to
re-connect with lots of old friends.   

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gratitude # 12

For my friend Karin, she was my hiking buddy. Because of Karin I worked out like a crazy women and backpacked the Grand Canyon down the South Kaibab trail and out the Bright Angel trail. I slept in a tent during a freezing night up on the rim and carried my 50 pound backpack down and out. Remember going out means going up! This was the first hike we did together. I weighted the backpack when I returned to work and it weighed 40 pounds without the water.
Karin and I at Havasu Falls
The night before the hike down in to the canyon we sleep in our tent on the rim and it was 32 degrees when we woke up in the morning. Thank heaven for a sleeping bag good enough for freezing weather.
Our second night we had camp at the Bright Angel Camp ground and the third night at the Indian Springs Camp ground. A storm had moved in the evening we were at Indian Springs and it was raining and cold. We didn’t pack a tent down because we didn’t want the weight to carry. We had two tarps which was fine at the bottom but not fine at Indian Springs. We slept under a picnic table and it was a miserable night.
Sleeping in freezing weather was never on my list of things to do in this life but I am so glad I did the hike. We did our hike in April so the lower levels of the Canyon won’t be so hot. It was a wonderful adventure!
We have hiked the Havasupai Canyon two times together. We got smart on these trips and let the horse pack our supplies down. We camped in style with a Coleman stove and a 2 man tent. We had a great time hiking.

Gratitude # 11

Today and every day I am grateful for my lovely home in a nice neighborhood. I love coming home to my home, it just makes me feel good inside. I sigh a sigh of relief when I pull into my garage. It is my haven from the world.  I pray that all that enter here come with peace and love in their hearts and I hope they feel our peace and love when they enter.

Richard & I made it a good home, not just a house. It is just the right size and close to the things I need. I also have nice neighbors and a great ward (church) Community. It isn’t big and fancy but it is warm and comfy.  It meets our needs. 
Richard closed in our patio and made it a lovely room for computers and my short arm quilting frame. He is so talented with his building skills. It was fun to see him work & learn when he built this room. Plus the end results are wonderful. He is also did a great job on his Man Cave. We even use it for Thanksgiving dinner as an over flow, the kids love to eat out there. 
And I make the quilts to cuddle with and decorate with.
Such a good fit.
Plus this year our home has had an almost complete remodel inside so it is even more beautiful!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Gratitude # 10

I am grateful for nature and all the marveles it holds. My favorite is the ocenn. I love the ocean and the marvels it holds. I love the sound of the waves on the sand as they lap in and out. I love the feel of warm water on my body and the ablity to float.
I have scuba dived in the Atlantic Ocean around the Florida Keys and in Bimini. I have seen fish and coral of many colors. I have taken a night dive in a ship wreck and saw fish sleep in the ribs of the ship and night shrimp dance on the bottom of the ocean. I have seen waters so clear that you think it is 6 feet to bottom and it is 12 feet.
Scuba Diving in the Florida Keys
I have hiked the Grand Canyon and every time I see the Canyon I marvel at it’s beauty and majesty. I have huffed and puffed as I climbed out of the canyon but every step and every pound of that backpack was worth it. I have sat behind Mooney Falls at Havasupai Canyon and swam out from the falls. I have felt the power of the water falling. I had an under water disposible camera with me and took pictures as I floated out from the falls.
Climbing down to Moody Falls 1995
I have hiked the Grand Canyon once, Havasupi Canyon three times.
I enjoy seeing all the beauty that has been created for us to see and enjoy.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gratitude # 9

I am grateful for technology. I really like such things as electricity and running hot and cold water. Cars are another thing I like.  I like being able to get in one and go where I want to go.  It also allows you to be with friends and see wonderful sights of this beautiful world we live on.
I also really like computers and the Internet. It was fun to use instant messaging with my cousin in England. It is grand fun to meet her and other cousins because of a website like Ancestry. It is exciting fun to find census records and stuff on line.
EQ on the Left Linda in Miami on the right
I use Skype to teach a friend in Miami Florida to use Electric Quilt software.  Plus we visit and talk.  Sometimes we do more talking than teaching and learning.  We show each other what quilting projects we are working on.  It is so much more fun than pictures.  It is wonderful to receive an email within minutes instead of waiting weeks for letters to go back and forth. Though I do miss letters in the mail box.
I do like these modern things a lot.  They have also helped me work on my genealogy and my quilting my two favorite pass times.  It sure sounds like a win - win to me.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gratitude # 8

Today I am grateful for Saturdays. Yes, today is a Saturday. I enjoy my day of being with friends and doing the a secret project and being creative. Some Saturdays are for running errands and doing chores. Some Saturdays are for resting and hanging out. They sure are a nice change from the work week. Today is my last Saturday before a work week. This will be my last week working.
My husband is very excited because I promised him when I retire I will go grocery shopping by myself and we won't go any more after dinner on Saturday evening. I'll be doing it by myself on a week day.
It was also our first cool day of the fall. A high of 63 degrees. It feels wonderful.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Gratitude # 7

I am grateful it is Friday. OK all the things I am grateful for don't have to be serious; we need to be grateful for some of the small things in life. The work week is over and I can have a change of pace. I like having a change of pace it renews my body, my mind and my spirit.  Working is good and I am grateful for being able to work but I like reaching the weekend. 
This Friday is different, just a little, it is the Friday of my last weekend that is followed by a work week.  Next Friday will be my retirement day.  A new chapter in my life will begin. 
Now I am going to go sit in the recline, watch some TV and fall asleep. 

Block Base Sew Along 3

I haven't had a lot of time or energy to sew, some weeks are just that way.  Work is busy and I come home tired.  I did get this block done I am doing with the Block Base Sew Along with Electric Quilt.  This block will also go in my Farmer's Wife Sampler.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gratitude # 6

Today I am grateful for my health, physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. OK I might not be as physically healthy as I was in my 20’s or 40’s but I am in good shape for my age and trying to get into better shape and I am grateful to have the opportunity to take care of myself and others.
Mary in Sedona AZ Fall 1986
When I see a person younger than myself with major health problems I feel compassion for them and the trails they face.  It reminds me of how fragile life and health are, and it make my gratitude fly on wings of prayer to heaven.  
Health isn't just about the body it is also about the mind and spirit.  I am grateful I can renew my sprite each Sunday at church and each day during scripture study and with prayers.  
As far as my emotional health I have frequently said, "I like my kind of crazy the best, at least I understand it."  :-) 
I am a little behind with my posts but some nights after work I am too tired to write. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Graditude # 5

I am grateful for freedom, and for the people who fight for this freedom. Some close to me who have severed are my Mom, and Army nurse during WWII, and my son-in-law and nephew who were in Afghanistan. I am especially grateful for those you gave their all for the freedoms we have. As well as for their families that were robbed of a loved one. As well as those who suffer many hardships because of their service to us and this country.

I think we forget how important freedom is since we have never not had it in our life time. I did grow up in a time where I have seen people cross 90 miles of open water in a craft I wouldn't sit in if I was 10 feet from the coast line. Why did they risk so much? To be free. What are we willing to do to maintain this freedom?
Grandma Minnie on the right
Here is a family story of my Maternal Grandmother from cousin.

Oh - I remember my Dad telling me this story about Minnie that you will appreciate - she campaigned for the women's vote, and participated in suffragette marches. When women finally got the right to vote and she went to the polls for the first time, she was told she couldn't vote because she was married to a non-citizen, thus was ineligible. She was furious, because SHE was born here! Now I never heard if that was simply the law at the time or if it was mix up, but I know that since hearing that story I can't miss voting because it makes feel guilty. Even if there isn't anyone to vote for, I gotta go because I feel like it honors her and all the work she and others who came first did for us.

I also vote in every election, I always think of it as my right and privilege for being a citizen. Now I know it was very important to my ancestors as well. My grandmother was the first one in her family to be born in this country. Her parents and all her siblings were born in Germany.


Gratitude #4

Gratitude #4
I was so worn out yesterday I didn't have the energy to post my gratitude message so this one is for Sunday! 

Pet you have to love pets. I have had a couple of dogs but I am really a cat person. I like that animals can sense when you need a little affection. Rosie my current cat will meow very loudly when Richard & I are having a loud conversation. It is almost like stop it you guys or use your inside voice.
Smokey wants to help me sew
The other night I had trouble sleeping and she cuddle right up next to me very close as if to say it all will be alright. She sleeps with me every night but this was different than normal.
The thing I noticed about dogs and finally made me decide I didn’t want any more was they are just too excitable. The jump and bark when you come home, you can hardly get in the door, then you have to walk them four times a day, when I had dogs I didn’t have a back yard. The last one I had howled when I was at work, not great for neighbors.
Rosie helping me sew
Cats are quiet, they let you come put your things down and come over and leave you alone for a while. They are there and just keep you company. Of course when they are young they want to be in the middle of whatever you are doing. I have grateful for the little four legged furry guys that have kept me company during my life.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Graditude #3

Today I am grateful for my friend Rosie. She talked me into talked me into talking a quilting class with her. Which really wasn't that hard to do since I have  sewed from age 14.  And so the addiction began.  But it is more than an addiction to me it is a legacy as I give my quilts to others and teach other the art of quilting I am giving something of myself to others. Helping them to grow and improve and have fun.  I am grateful for the opportunities I am giving though my skills.
My friend Rosie
After we had been quilting for a couple of years she decided to open a quilt shop. Since I was the only person she knew that did paper piecing, a piecing technique, she asked me to teach that class. From there I began teaching lots of other classes. I still teach a lot of quilting classes. I also did the newsletter for the shop every quarter. I learned and developed all kinds of skills all because of my dear friend. And today I will be teaching an EQ7 class.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Graditude #2

Grateful for #2
My kids, they came with Richard when I married him. What a ride! Fulled with joy and pain, work and fun. They have taught me so much about life and love. Even some lessons I didn't want. I love them each and want the very best for them. They have blessed my life. I hope I have done my best for them.
I hope they each know how much I love them.  I never had my own kids but I have always called these kids, "My Kids"  because they came into my life and I wanted them to be in my life.
Kierra and her husband Will

An amazing young women, smart, self motivated and goal orientated.
Every role of film I would develop I would find one or two pictures of Klint like this one.  It would drive me nuts.  Now I just laugh, I am sure he will be doing this for a long time.  He is our joker.
Kinsen moving out 2011
This is one of the nicest, sweetest young men you will ever meet.  He is also disciplined, loyal and loving.  He is also known as "Mini Mr. B.".

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Graditude Day 1

For the Month of November many are writing what they are grateful for, this is a good exercise so I am joining in.
Grateful #1
For my husband Richard or Mr. B., who loves me, a lot. He accepts me as I am, warts and all, he allows me to grow and become a better person. He is a faithful, hardworking, steady good man, he is honest and loyal and a lot of fun. He has blessed my life.
I have learned of good things from him like forgiving and how to give service. He is loyal to his love ones.
Does he drive me nuts, you bet! But he is worth it and makes up for it in many other ways. I mean when a guy treats you like a queen you can't complain.
I love you Mr. B.