
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Night Quilting Updates

For many years I have been taking pictures of whatever project I have been working on as a progress report. I have a little calendar that I write down what I did during the week and on Sunday I take the pictures and some I post on Webshots and others I just keep on my computer. Well now I have my blog to do both. On Saturday I started loading a new quilt on my quilting frame. I had the batting on and worked on piecing the backing. Today I loaded the backing and top and started quilting. I'm using a free motion landscape design, of course on this top it represents snow drifts. The quilt is a 9 Patch Pizzazz.

I haven't worked on my Santa since Thursday but I have the binding about 1/4 done. I also started working on a mini wallhanging for a friend for Christmas. She is a skier and the pattern is of a skier. I have to change some of the fabric around. I'm going to make the ear muffs & mitten the same as the sweater.

Can someone please tell me why I thought a pre-lighted tree with mini lights was a good idea?? This is the tree's third Christmas and the whole bottom of the tree lights won't come on. I swapped out two branches worth of bulbs that were burned out, and it still won't come on. I'm really wondering what I was thinking?? I also decided after the first Christmas I don't like only white lights so I put a couple of strings of colored lights on any way.

At least I have my fall quilts down, my big Christmas quilt up and the tree is up. Bear but up.

My next blog goal is to add a signature and change my background for Christmas.

Good Night to all!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Having fun on my Blog

OK I can tell this can become very addictive. Today I added a couple of links with the help of my friend Jan. That was while I was at work this morning. I usually work hard, but today was very quiet so I had some fun. After work I added a slide shows of the Thanksgiving day pictures and added a site meter. I just found a error in my header so I have to go fix that. This is fun.
It is also fun to see blogs of other friends and co-workers that I found today. Boy can you spend time looking and reading. It sure is a nice way to get to know people better.
Richard just came home from work and he is impressed with my blog.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving day thoughts and actives.

Dinner is over, the food is away, and we are full and happy. It has been a great day. There is much to be thankful for we are truly blessed. We are all healthy, all working, and all happy. We have good jobs that we like. We have a lovely home in a good neighborhood, with a grand new room my husband built. We have good friends and good relationships within our family. We have hobbies we enjoy to enrich others. Most important we have a sure knowledge of the Lord’s Plan of Salvation, of His divinity. The sweet whispering of the Holy Spirit tells us this daily. My heart is full of gratitude.
I had a very productive day; I hung my Christmas valances and curtains. I quilted a Christmas wallhanging I started last year. I had started quilting the wallhanging last year on my table top machine. For some reason this morning I could not find the grove with the machine. It is so different than quilting on my frame. I decided to load it on the frame. I loaded it and quilted it in 2 hours and 30 minutes. That is an all time record for me. It was pin basted, so I just removed the pins as I went. It also had some stitching in the ditch on it at the first border. I don’t think that was the smartest thing to do. My resting border doesn’t lay flat. Oh Well better finished than perfect! I attached the binding and began hand sewing the back of the binding down.
We had dinner at my sister-in-laws house, Judy. All her kids, grandkids and first great grand were there. I took pictures of all the present. Kinsen came; Klint & Krystal came from Payson. Kierra had to work but she called.

Well I did it!

I have been thinking about starting a Blog for a while. I have friends with blogs and I visit a lot of quilting blogs. This one is for me, my friends and my quilting. I also am making a family site for my family that I'm going to give as a Christmas gift to the family with the hope it will help us keep up with each others news and life. That will be on
Well it is the early morning hours of Thanksgiving day and I decided to start my blog today. I hadn't planed on starting it at 4 AM but I was up and couldn''t go back to sleep, so I came to my computer and started. But right now I need to go back to bed.
More later, until then Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope I always have an attitude of gratitude!